Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Day 1- ahh good stuff

Day 1 of my 40 day meditation challenge- I planned to meditate much earlier in the day but alas life got in the way.  It makes me very happy to say that I did get my mediation in and it was a lovely experience.  I chose the mantra surrender and acceptance.  During my meditation I did breathe in surrender and breathe out acceptance.  The mantra was actually quite pleasant and it really helped to keep the ever present thoughts at bay.  During my mindful mediations it can be quite easy to get distracted and of course thoughts popped in tonight as well but they were easier to dismiss.  When I teach meditation I suggest that you simply thank the thoughts for appearing but let them know they are not needed right now.  It pleases me to say tonight the thoughts just dismissed themselves rather easily. 

I found my self doing the yogic breathing and adding in some gentle twists on my breath so it also was a sort of moving meditation and left me feeling relaxed and stretched out.  The twists I added were all sitting twists with really very little movement but were a nice addition that just felt right.

My thoughts and mood before I began were somewhat restless edging towards anxiety.  My heart was racing a great deal today even though it "should" have been a low stress day.  Considering these things my initial thought was that it may be tough to maintain a 40 minute meditation but it was really not.  My heart rate and breathing is calmer than it has been all day and my sense of urgency to do this or that has dissipated for the time being anyway. 

I hope that anyone who has decided to join me on this journey had a successful experience for day 1 and would love to hear about your time.  If you want any assistance or have any questions please ask!

Love, live and breathe deeply

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