Monday, June 30, 2014

My mantra?

Tomorrow marks a new month and I am going to start a 40 day meditation challenge for myself and anyone who would like to join me.  I chose the number 40 because it is said to have significance in many different areas so it seems a good number to use to make change.  This 40 day challenge I am going to do a mantra meditation and I am considering doing it for 40 minutes to stick with the 40 number of significance.  

Must find my mantra soon as tomorrow will be here very quickly.  I want a mantra to open my mind to what should be, to stop the control that I fight to keep over things that I cannot possibly control.  Surrender has come to mind and is a good option.  Perhaps a Sanskrit word as I am studying to become a yoga teacher and then on to train to become a yoga therapist...more about that in another post as it is my new obsession.  Tonight a mantra must be selected.  I wonder what the Sanskrit word for surrender would be?  The rest of the evening will be spent doing some research and selecting a mantra so that I can begin tomorrow. 

Would you like to join me for a 40 day meditation challenge?  You can choose any kind you like.  Mindful meditation is amazing, sound meditation, mantra meditation...all sorts to look at.  I am happy to encourage and help hold you accountable if you like.  Comment on this post if you want to join me and we can work together.

Love and live and just be

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