Sunday, June 29, 2014

Healing and Recovey-can't have one without the other

Hello friends- I am a mental health therapist who needs to write.  Yes, I need it.  Writing is healing and don't we all need some healing? 

I adore my job.  We all have life issues big and small and that I get to help people cope with their issues is an honor.  Do I love paperwork?  No, I sure don't.  Do I love that connectedness to people who come in and share, really share their story?  Oh yes without a doubt. 

I focus my practice on healing and recovery.  Working with women with substance abuse issues and anxiety issues (together or separate) are my favorite things.  Been there, done that and am proof anyone can do it. 

I use some different techniques than most therapists I know but that's all good.  I believe breathing techniques, body work and talk therapy all together complete us.  As much as I love therapy, I love sharing my beliefs to those who want them.  Need help?  I would love for us to explore the option of working together.  Not ready for help?  That is ok too because when you are then you will get it.  blog will consist of techniques and ideas I use for clients and for me...because you see...therapists need help too :)

I will focus on a series of meditation practices, a series on anxiety and ways to overcome and all sorts of other fun stuff.  Please join me?

Today is yours- love and live it.

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